Microsoft Imagine Academy (MSIA)
The Microsoft Imagine Academy allows you to improve your skills with self-paced learning through e-books, hands-on projects, and online videos and tutorials. The training resources will help you gain the skills needed to acquire industry certification and be competitive in today’s technology-driven workplace. MSIA also provides educators and staff with professional development opportunities.
MSIA offers curriculum that covers Productivity, Computer Science, Data Science and IT Infrastructure pathways. These courses prepare learners with employ-ability skills in demand in today’s workforce, and help prepare learners for Microsoft Office and Microsoft Technology Associate certifications.
Training Resources:
MSIA Online Learning Directory (MSIAOnlineLearningDirectory.onepkg)
MOS Study Guide (MOS2016StudyGuides.onepkg)
Note: Links are to a OneNote package file (.onepkg), a standalone version of the OneNote application is required.