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Our Vision & Mission

  • The vision of the Software Distribution office is to be the source for software at UNC-Chapel Hill.
  • The mission of the Software Distribution office is to provide a single, centralized point of contact to find and obtain software on campus.

Who Is Entitled to Software?

  • Undergraduate – includes students who have not completed a full four-year program or its equivalent and also students in a five-year bachelor’s program. This classification includes students in junior and community colleges in programs transferable to four-year institutions.
  • Graduate – includes students who is engaged in a program of study that leads to a Master’s Degree or Doctorate.
  • Faculty – An employee of the board in teaching, research, or service whose notice of appointment is as lecturer, senior lecturer, instructor, assistant professor, associate professor, professor, or Regents Professor, or whose notice of appointment otherwise expressly designates a faculty position.
  • Staff – People that are employed primarily for work other than academic teaching.
  • Postdoctoral – Fellows are placed in many different departments and centers at the University, and they are associated with the University primarily with the goal to continue their academic training. However, some aspects of their relationship with the University more resemble those of staff employees. A valid UNC email address is required to use certain UNC software services.
  • Visiting Scholar – Senior scholars and distinguished visitors who hold a doctoral degree or the foreign equivalent and who hold an appointment comparable to those of UNC-CH faculty, and are usually on temporary leave from their universities or research centers. They visit the campus for relatively short periods of time, usually no longer than a year, serve as senior researchers, collaborate on research projects and publications with faculty members, and pursue independent research. A valid UNC email address is required to use certain UNC software services.

All Faculty/Staff and other employees of The University of North Carolina at Chapel must be paid by the University to be considered for software.